These are the resources that are helping define my journey. They are publicly available and will hopefully help others with their own journeys. This article has helped define some of my health struggles. Finally having some answers helps, now just onward to hopefully fixing those issues. Iron deficiency and why it matters
Co-parenting and cooperation mis adventures Feb
It’s me again talking about EH and his unwillingness to co-parent. Two events have occurred in the last month that will illustrate this pattern. If you don’t want to read through the events, I’ve summarized them with bullet points here: These two events listed after this summary continue EH’s pattern of control to the detriment of D2’s well-being. ·
Gaming addictions and child safety
Here is yet another example of how EH refuses to co-parent with me. It took me a little while to process the emotions that these events generated in me last week. I wanted to be as rational as I could be when I sent this. Every once in a while the school will have a no-school
What am I writing and Why
2022 is a year of beginnings. I’m starting this blog in an attempt to digest and understand the adventures my life has taken in the last year. Besides my divorce, I’ve had health challenges, I have fear for my daughter’s safety and I’m trying to navigate co-parenting with someone who is more interested in obstructing