Thinking about the sacred
Healing, like anything in life is not a straight line journey. It’s a path that takes unexpected turns and is very much a journey that is not always predictable. I’ve struggled with that unpredictable nature throughout the past few years as I’ve navigated the journey that I find myself on. It’s been a path of
Finding Peace when the world doesn’t have it
This past week I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on peace. What it is and how to obtain it. I honestly do not know how I define peace for myself. I’ve come to realize that I have never really defined what that is for me or what that might look like. Or even
Responding and communicating
Communication is an interesting thing. I’ve had cause to ask what exactly is it this past week. I sent my ex a message that said the online custody calendar we use was not in compliance with the orders we received from the court. He sent me back a message telling me I was making unilateral
Happy New Year maybe
I was thinking that this year I would finally be able to move forward. In the grand scheme of things I figured the majority of things were finished. Buuuuuutttt that was simply a dream. Apparently there is no end to this reality. I found out that my exH took my DD2 out of state without